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Cellulite - Consider a different view on cellulite: Your body is intelligent.

Posted by Dawn Pullin on


  Cellulite: medical term is Lipedema- accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissues Pillars of health: Nourish Release Physical Structure Environment Mindset Every 2-7 years you are a new walking miraculous bag of cells! Wrapped in Lifestyle choices-- swapping out brands of skincare and cleaning products for safe alternatives (organic matters), less exposure to endocrine disruptors. What are endocrine disruptors? Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse development, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife. Substances, both natural and man-made are thought to cause, including pharmaceuticals, dioxin and dioxin-like...

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What Can a Coach Do for Me?

Posted by Dawn Pullin on


We all have goals, they may range from waking up on time to being a successful CEO of your own company or beating your last marathon time. Often times we do not allow ourselves to pursue our goals out of the unknown (fear) and/or we don’t have the “how to”. Today, we can Google how to do just about anything, but what if you are already overwhelmed with data, statistics, have worry and stress in life? Sound familiar?    The last thing you want to do is add more data to your brain. A coach can use their expertise (and...

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Brownie calorie vs a Kale calorie – does it matter?

Posted by Zelo Holistic and Medical Weight Loss on


  Last week we talked about why counting calories isn’t working. We have been taught that our food has a calorie number associated to it (a calorie is a unit of energy from food), and that is all there is to it, calories in and calories out. This is an antiquated and outdated method for long-term and lasting weight loss as it does not speak to the quality of foods and the hormonal effects food has our bodies. “A calorie of brownie is not the same as a calorie of kale. They just aren’t, that is common sense. But yet...

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Why Counting Calories Isn't Working.

Posted by Zelo Holistic and Medical Weight Loss on


  How long have we been hearing that weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out? If it were that simple, why does it seem so many are still looking for a solution?   The human body is not a simple machine. Our bodies are intelligent, beautiful, dynamic vessels. So what’s wrong with the calories in/calories out method? Well, when it comes to fat… guess what?! Your fat is an organ! It is a hormone sensitive organ that responds to different factors. When you are conscious about your fat and want to change the health of it, we...

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How to Begin Healing the Microbiome

Posted by Dawn Pullin on


Earlier this week we blogged and posted a YouTube video discussing the microbiome on weight maintenance and overall well-being. We discussed signs and symptoms such as: 1) Belching, fowl gas 2) Bloating 3) Cravings As a refresher from the YouTube video, there are several reasons why the microbiome becomes unbalanced: antibiotics, sudden change in diet, yo-yo dieting, processed foods, lack of colorful fruits and vegetables, eating habits (i.e. eating while stressed, eating while driving, not chewing your food), and quality of foods (GMO’s, artificial food coloring, artificial sweetener). Now let’s address ways to heal the microbiome. One simple way would...

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